To register your interest with the rescue to rehome an adorable Kerry, please email [email protected] for an interest form and don't forget to include your phone number.
Dusty is described as a sweet, happy-go-lucky dog with a loving personality. He occasionally exhibits OCD-like behaviours, such as chasing lights or his tail, and can sometimes bark excessively, though he’s usually easy to redirect. he has lived with other dogs during a 5 day residential at a trainers and we have videos of this. Although he doesn't live with kids we have vidoes which show him interacting well with them.
Walter is a 4 year old male, he is microchipped. He is based in the UK. He is described as the kindest dog you will meet; he loves fuss and attention. He loves children although he does jump up with excitement, this is playful without intent to hurt. For more information please contact us on [email protected]
Current Kerries in Foster Homes
It is with great thanks that a number of our supporters offer themselves and their homes as a foster accommodation for newly received rescues. Foster homes are such an important part of what we do, and gives new dogs a great first chance at a new life.
Some of these dogs end up being adopted by their foster carers, and in other cases they move on to suitable permanent new homes when the time is right.
To register interest in adopting a Kerry or becoming a foster carer yourself, please get in touch with us at [email protected] for an interest form.
Choosing a Kerry in need of a new loving forever home is a big undertaking and not one to be taken lightly. Rescue and re-homed Kerry’s can present many challenges especially because in some cases their history is unknown. It requires a huge amount of patience. They will all have had their own experiences from their past, traumatised in a way; from mistreatment to just losing a home or owners and gaining another.
Always remember that you may be ready and prepared for the dog but the dog may not be ready or prepared for you. the rescue will always be there to support and try and help in anyway we can but remember that every dog is an individual and so what works for one may not work for another.
Please read the rescues "Owning a Kerry" advice document below and the testimonies document is full a real life stories shared from owners of Kerry Blue Terriers.